About Me

I’m Tim and my creative outlet is being in the kitchen! Which still is a really weird statement coming from me because I never considered myself very creative. I can’t draw, paint, or color inside the lines! Never enjoyed art class in school. On the contrary, I despised it because I was awful at it. But there is something very different about stepping up to a stove top, or standing over a grill. Cooking is my medium. Arranging a plate with exciting flavors, textures, and colors is my canvas. Sharing my creations with family and friends is like my gallery exhibit. I have fun feeding folks!

I’m also what’s called a lifelong learner. I love learning new things, developing new skills, and exploring new ideas. Not gaining new knowledge or working on some new skill feels uncomfortable. Which is probably why I gravitated toward the education field as a profession. Teaching and mentoring is in my DNA. Helping others to embrace learning and the  learning process is ultra-satisfying.

So, for me, this blog is the best of both worlds. I get to be creative in the kitchen and share my passion for teaching at the same time.

This introduction would not be complete without sharing a little about my family. I’m a husband of one, father to one and willing servant to three pets. My faith and that of my wife is our sustaining foundation as we care for our son who is on the autism spectrum. So, as an autism-family, we often have experiences beyond those of a typical household. The blessings are that much more appreciated and the challenges are that much more challenging. But our family motto is an old one found in a book we read. Josh. 24:15.